As time continues to go by, some questions come to mind...Am I as productive as I can be? What are my short term goals? Long term goals? Am I any closer to accomplishing my goals at this moment? What should my focus be at this time? Am I being the best me that I can be?
As time continues to go by I realize that I am merely an existence in this moment. As a matter of fact, we are all a mere existence in this moment of time. So, why not make the biggest impact possible? Build an outstanding legacy that will impact many generations to come. Help others who are in need. Function in our God-given purposes. Start a movement. Trendset!
Don't spend too much time planning because time will keep moving with or without you. The right time for you do whatever it is you want to do is right now. Think about it...Where do you want to be 5 years from now? 10 years from now? Are you being as productive as you can be? What are you doing to accomplish your goals at this moment in time? These questions should become your daily norm because challenging yourself only makes you a stronger, more confident, and ultimately a more successful you. Remember...we only have this moment, so make it count!