I have spent the last 4 years of my life running and hiding
from a very dark past
Hoping that my past would just disappear and I would be
free at last
Free to be me no longer feeling guilt, anger, or shame
Free to live a normal life, no longer dwelling in
Self-hate, distorted self-image, low self-esteem
Absent self-worth, no time to pursue my dreams
Because dreaming is a crime when you live in chaos
My thoughts were too foggy to even get them across
Trying to hold it together when out with others
Putting on the façade of being an unbothered mother
Truth be told, I was burdened by holding this ugly secret
A secret that damages whoever chooses to keep it
It is a secret called domestic violence
It is that dirty shameful secret that keeps victims silent
Today is the day that I choose to share my pain
No longer weighed down by guilt, anger, and shame
By the way, that secret is no longer safe with me
Because God has given me confirmation that I am free
Free to be me, pursue my dreams, no more secrets
Free to lead a fruitful life without regrets
The moral of the story is no matter what you’re going
Rely on God to turn all your experiences to good use